About Me

Hi, I'm Tim. I am a Senior Lecturer (equivalent to Associate Professor) in the Department of Informatics at King's College London. I am the co-head of the Human-Centred Computing group and the co-lead of the Health Hub.

My work is highly user-focused and considers the development of novel interaction techniques and design approaches to make the most of the full range of human capability. I work in the areas of human-computer interaction (HCI) and accessibility, focusing on novel interaction techniques, multimodal interactions, and content creation/consumption technologies. My work is funded by the EPSRC and NIHR.

To learn more, take a look at my published work or the various bits of press coverage my work has attracted.

White male wearing glasses, in white shirt, with colourful background.


08/24    As of August 2024, I am a Senior Lecturer (~Associate Professor)

07/24    We have had two papers accepted to ASSETS. These are available in the publications section

05/24    I will be going to CHI 24, where we will present 3 papers and a late-breaking work (see publications)

10/23    Work led by my PhD student Humphrey won a Best Student Paper at ASSETS 2023

07/23   Our NIHR Programme Development Grant was funded!

06/23   Work led by my PhD student Sacha won a Best Paper Honourable Mention at IMX 2023

03/23   Work led by my PhD student Humphrey won a Best Paper at CHI 2023

02/23   My EPSRC New Investigator Award `CA11y' was funded! Website here